Legislative Update – Day 19 of the 2023 General Session

February 7, 2023

Day 19

Student Day at the Capitol

It was a great start to the week with so many student visitors in the Capitol yesterday. There were charter school students, FBLA students, home school students, and public-school students from around the state. The students bring so much energy, enthusiasm, and life to the Capitol. They are truly amazing!! Their perspective on the world is so inspiring. Larkin Williams was speaking on the Senate floor about her snowy drive to Cheyenne. Here are her words to the body.

“The closer I am to the middle of the road, the farther away I am from the ditch.”

– Larkin Williams, Wyoming FLBA president. 

There is so much wisdom in those words. I thought about her message all day. We never want to be off in the ditch in Wyoming.

Education is one of those topics that “strikes a chord” with everybody in our state. There are lots of different ideas on what is best. It is our hope to give all our students quality opportunities for the future. The students were so interested in the process and made a lot of new friends and memories along the way.

Yesterday was a crucial day in the process for the bills to become law. The House worked late into the night and sat as the Committee of the Whole twice! The Senate seems to be moving at a faster pace than the House, but with yesterday’s cut-off, the House will be getting caught up quickly.

Senate files are starting to show up in the House and the House bills are starting to show up in the Senate. I affectionately refer to this point in the proceedings as “round 2”. I left all the red-lined bills on our tracker for you today to see just how many bills have dropped off. Tomorrow, I will remove the red-lined bills and they will become a memory until another day. We are getting closer to the finish line.


What Happened Yesterday,

Monday, Feb. 6th (Day 19)


House Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Committee


·    SF0002 – Wyoming telecommunications act-sunset date (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill passed the Committee


House Minerals, Business & Economic Development Committee


·    SF0078 – Apprenticeship and job training promotion in schools (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill passed the Committee.


House Judiciary Committee


·    SF0023 – Treatment courts-transfer to judicial branch (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill passed the Committee.


Senate Appropriations Committee


·    HB0003 – State assessment of independent power producers (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill passed the Committee.

Senate Floor


·    SF0174 – Wyoming charter school authorizing board (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill passed Third Reading.


·    SF0050 – Charter school amendments (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was laid back.


·    SF0110 – Personal property-tax exemption (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill failed to pass Third Reading.


·    SF0147 – Government contracts-labor organization (WBA MONITORING). – Bill Passed the Committee of the Whole.


·    SF0142 – Carbon capture and sequestration (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill Passed the Committee of the Whole.


·    SF0151 – Wyoming prescription drug transparency act (WBA OPPOSED). – Bill Passed the Committee of the Whole.


·    SF0138 – Unemployment insurance coverage period and reporting (WBA MONITORING). – Bill Passed the Committee of the Whole.


·    SF0125 – Property tax-limiting the maximum taxable value increase (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    SF0090 – Wyoming property tax relief authority (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    SF0145 – State budgeting and reserves (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    SJ0013 – Legislative and executive authority-taxation and spending (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


House Floor


·    HB0140 – Mental Health care Access-Collaborative Care Model (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill passed Third Reading.


·    HB0151 – Property tax exemption-child care facilities (WBA MONITORING). – Bill failed to pass the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0116 – Prohibiting foreign property ownership in Wyoming (WBA OPPOSED). – Bill failed to pass the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0098 – Property tax-homeowner’s exemption (WBA MONITORING). – Bill passed the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0174 – Homestead exemption-amendments (WBA MONITORING). – Bill passed the Committee of the Whole.


·    HJ0002 – Constitutional amendment-residential property class (WBA MONITORING) – Bill passed the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0088 – Foreign ownership of agricultural land-prohibited (WBA OPPOSED). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0114 – Leasing and sale of state lands-amendments (WBA MONITORING) – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0080 – Medical treatment opportunity act-Medicaid reform (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0109 – Wyoming works for tomorrow (WBA SUPPORTS). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0085 – For-profit public benefit corporations (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.


·    HB0214 – General regulatory sandbox program (WBA MONITORING). – Bill was not considered by the Committee of the Whole.



Bills the WBA is Closely Monitoring


We will update our bill trackers daily as bills are posted to the LSO website and as action is taken on bills. The trackers include hyperlinks to the individual bills as well as the WBA’s position on those pieces of legislation. The WBA’s positions are taken in accordance with our official process.


If you would like more information about a bill position or to request a position on a bill, please reach out to Cindy DeLancey to begin the committee review process.


Legislative Tracker


Tax Bill Tracker


Bills Scheduled for

Tuesday, Feb. 7th (Day 20)


Livestream video from the floor and committees via the Legislature’s YouTube ChannelThis listing below only includes bills WBA is tracking.


Tuesday, Feb. 7th (Day 20) Committee Hearings


House Revenue, 8:00 AM, Capitol Extension, Room E003 & Online


·    SF0039 – Board of equalization-questions before the board (WBA MONITORING).



Tuesday, Feb. 7th (Day 20) Floor Sessions


Senate Floor Session Begins at 10:00 AM on Feb. 7th


·    SF0050 – Charter school amendments (WBA MONITORING). – Third Reading


·    SF0172 – Stop ESG-State funds fiduciary duty act (WBA MONITORING). – Third Reading


·    SF0147 – Government contracts-labor organization (WBA MONITORING). – Second Reading


·    SF0142 – Carbon capture and sequestration (WBA SUPPORTS). – Second Reading


·    SF0151 – Wyoming prescription drug transparency act (WBA OPPOSED). – Second Reading


·    SF0138 – Unemployment insurance coverage period and reporting (WBA MONITORING).Second Reading


·    HB0003 – State assessment of independent power producers (WBA SUPPORTS) – General File


House Floor Session Begins at 10:00 AM on Feb. 7th


·    HB0174 – Homestead exemption-amendments (WBA MONITORING). – Second Reading

·    HJ0002 – Constitutional amendment-residential property class (WBA MONITORING) – Second Reading

·    HB0098 – Property tax-homeowner’s exemption (WBA MONITORING). – Second Reading

·    SF0002 – Wyoming telecommunications act-sunset date (WBA SUPPORTS).- General File

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